Recipe: Bacon Ice tea

Hey everyone!

So now that I have some free time, I have come up with this new recipe!

Now I call it bacon ice tea, but it really has nothing to do with bacon, just a name! This recipe was made up after I had some ice tea at a restaurant, and it was gross! Way to sweet, and the tea tasted like it came from some pre-made powder (if that’s even possible!). It only takes a few minutes to make and its cheaper than buying it at the store!


  • 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 3/4 cup white sugar
  • 2 tbsp loose leaf earl grey tea
  • 2 tbsp loose leaf oolong black tea
  • 5 mint leaves torn in half
  • water


Loose leaf tea pot

3 liter juice container

Step 1:

Boil enough water to fill the teapot, make sure the water is boiling since black tea requires very high temperatures to steep properly.

Step 2:

Steep tea in the loose leaf tea pot for 8-10 minutes

Step 3:

Mix all the ingredients together in the juice container and chill until cooled.

Step 4:


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